We Thank You all, and our Equally Valued and Generous Staff, along with other Sponsors including Starbucks for bringing a moment of Joy to Disabled Children in Tijuana with a Christmas Party and Gifts.

faneMoises Guzman, ABC’s CFO has been involved with this special charitable organization for several years, and said today: “of course December and the Christmas and Holiday Season is traditionally the time to say thank you and to give gifts, and that includes to customers and suppliers; so considerable thought was given within ABC regarding the most appropriate gift that we might send as a gesture of our company’s appreciation.

Being aware of FANE and the excellent, valuable and kind work that this group does throughout the year, and especially at Christmas and the holidays, I made the suggestion to Wadih Kuri, ABC’s owner, that maybe we make a corporate donation equal to that being made by a handful of other major companies including Starbucks to host a party for well over 150 disabled children and their families. Wadih, who himself is active with children’s charities in the United States, immediately agreed.

Father Christmas; and a wonderful aspect regarding the way this was all arranged…each sponsoring/participating company was given the letters written by over 25 children to Santa, and ABC’s senior sales and accounting and engineering staff along with others at ABC donated monies or went out themselves to buy specific gifts each child had on their wish list. The gifts were then presented by the staff in person at the party.

It was truly wonderful to see the looks of joy and excitement on the children’s faces and to witness the appreciation and pleasure felt by the parents.

The party included clowns and entertainers as well, and photographs were taken as souvenirs.

A memorable and moving event; and ABC plans to support the charity at their mid-year Summer Camp and again at the end of this year.

I would like to thank, and Wadih would like to thank, everyone at ABC, and also our customers and suppliers, in whose name ABC made the sponsorship donation; and all those individuals who took the time and added some of their own money to the purchasing of the gifts for individual children.

Muchos Gracias!!! And a Happy New Year to you all from everyone at ABC”.


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