Light Metal Age is a bimonthly publication with a long legacy – 77 years, now in its 78th to be exact. Though extending to other light metals such as magnesium and titanium, its specialism is to write about, and record, everything taking place in the primary and secondary production of aluminum extrusions, including semi-fabrication.
ABC was featured because news has spread through the industry about the company’s eight -year path of exponential growth, to a point where monthly shipments weigh on average seven million pounds, being manufactured in space the equivalent of ten football pitches. Light Metal Age’s six page article has the title “ABC Aluminum Installs Advanced Extrusion Line: Reimagining Tijuana Through Industrialized Growth with text occupying some six pages, Andrea Svendsen , the publication’s Managing Editor, presents an interesting chronology, impressive for its content and detail; also captured well is the essence of the company’s culture. ABC organizes and operates with its 2000 employees very much as a family. Plus, it takes a greater than normal role in the lives and well-being of the surrounding community and of the city of Tijuana, seeing itself very much as an innovator and leader; also, as an example to others in the growth and industrialization of the region.
As Wadih Kuri, President and CEO of ABC was quoted as saying in the article: “Tijuana gets a bad rap. I am from Tijuana, and I am betting on my city. We’re trailblazers here in Tijuana. The aluminum industry is new in this part of Mexico, but we see it growing; we are very transparent about what we do here at ABC, and I think there’s a lot of trust in what we do. We just need to clean up that Tijuana name.